I would like to suggest enabling LIFI trades that are
cross-chain when retrieving quotes in our app.
The LIFI integration was scoped for cross-chain trades only but discussing with @gomes it seems the lift would not be huge to get and offer "intra-chain" trades as optional routes.
Most of the time 0x will offer better rates, but we do have some rate limiting issues with 0x occasionally and secondly there are other reasons to trade using specific routes for example:
  1. Right now we have Mercle missions which ask our users to specifically use LIFI few times to trade/bridge. Bridging is a more expensive and a more rare use case than intra-chain trades. EDIT: After checking again, this is likely wrong as we require Bridging currently, then again having this option to guide the user to specific routing partners for future Mission tasks makes sense (if we are incentivized to do so by that partner).
  2. A user could want to avoid certain contracts (personal preference, bad experience, regulation forbidding a specific contract in their jurisdiction, etc.)
  3. We do claim to be a DEX aggregator, so let's actually offer more options to users and show that we do aggregate things and let the users choose if they want to (if they don't like our "best" recommendation).