Apply my fox balance
Rodney McFadden
I have not and were not able to get into my original shapeshift account to do what is required to transfer or integrate in today's latest shapeshift platform. I ve asked and it seems no feasible charity of instruction on the migration process. What's so unique about it that the migration process seems difficult. I will try again to make tranfer, but I think Im doing something incorrect. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.......
Rodney McFacdden
Rodney McFadden This platform is not for support, it is for features requests. Please join us on shapeshift . com and click on the bottom right chat icon to contact our support if you have any issue with our app.
Love this idea!! It would be really helpful if this was implemented.
giant kin
Interesting, but wouldnt this mean that i hold fox in wallet A, and user B is doing a trade, that user could then designate my wallet to get the bennies?
I would guess it could work as a form of delegation, but then wallet A can't pretend to the discount unless they undelegate their FOX. And it sounds like something that would easily be gameable if the cost of delegating/undelegating is less than the fees the user(s) involved can spare.
The feature sounds nice, but I'm currently not seeing an easy way to implement it 🤔
giant kin: no you would have to sign to prove the wallet is yours
Fireb0mb1: basic thinking right now is sign in with ethereum > cache JWT of signature > validate with snapshot API > boom balance is cached .
Also important to note that this solves a specific problem: "how do i tie my FOX on my other wallet to a different wallet I want to use the app with."
0xFBL I see, I think the issue GK raises remains then, if someone generously signs for all their friends' addresses they can enjoy his discount as long as the JWT is valid?
Or would the signing need to be done again for each new transaction to validate the address with the FOX is still owned by the person doing the transaction with the other wallet?
not sure that's the case Fireb0mb1 you would need that person's PK to sign the message. In theory sure, if someone wants to sign onto a friends wallet that they don't control then I guess??
It really depends on the implementation. If we compare it to Zapper bundles (which comparably "merge" wallets mostly for displaying a single portfolio where you get all the wallets balances added in one place, which is basically what this feature would attempt to do but just with FOX balances, with the added layer of using SnapShot to capture balances everywhere), they initially make you sign a message on the chosen wallet you add to a bundle, but it doesn't give Zapper signing power for any specific wallet, no storage of the PK (which would be bad in their case), so it's not like the FOX holder would give access to their wallet to their friends. All they needed was to connect once and sign a message that doesn't reveal the PK (which can be done with WalletConnect on a separate device).
The feature request doesn't seem unfeasible but will require some tight balancing between easy UX vs. security/exploitability of the discount that should make it in the spec for sure.
giant kin
Fireb0mb1 long as you know what i meant when i say it, im good! lol thanks