Remember recently searched/used assets
- If I browse away from the Swapper to check a balance, change settings, I need to start the selection of assets from the beginning (default values) and enter amount(s) again. It would be practical if the app could remember the form values as long as they haven't been submitted (they can be cleared once a trade was completed for example).
- It would also be practical to remember the last few assets (including the chain) that have been recently searched and selected/clicked on, so you don't have to search them again to select them.
giant kin
This is the aspect that drives me crazy. i select what i want to start with, then what i want to end. be nice if i could change the end result without having to rechoose the Start chain and asset. (make the chain choices sticky) would be easiest way to say this.
giant kin: this is somewhat in scope for exposing the swapper work.
0xFBLDigging this one up a bit, it's still relevant I think, and with the new "Limit" tab in the Swapper I think the app should be able to remember the assets AND amounts set in the Market tab and apply them when switching to an empty Limit order.
You can check on for the flow, setup a Market swap and switch to Limit... really a time saver and most likely something a lot of users will end up trying (deliberately or not) the first time they use the UI.