Streaming Swaps!
TC devs are hard at work with perfecting Streaming Swaps and it's already supported by TC nodes.
Streaming Swaps enables traders to split their swaps into several smaller swaps over time, allowing arbers to rebalance the pools between swaps. This can make a huge difference when it comes to how much slippage big swaps are subject to.
As ShapeShift is already running ThorChain in the backend, I think it should be a no-brainer that ShapeShift should be ready to support streaming swaps when it's enabled :D
in progress
draft PRs up on this feature. should ship soon.
0xFBL: Sick! Looking forward to seeing it!
Off-topic yet somewhat relevant: I havent seen any formal announcements, but it seems that devs are aiming to ship lending on Monday 21st!
We're spiking into the spec for this and thorchain lending on 8-18. Seems to be enough of a leverage feature for users despite not having enough updoots.
Mr Swing
Streaming swaps will change the industry forever, just like Uniswap did with the first AMM. Thorchain has no competitors and is not likely to have any in the near term, as it's way ahead of everyone else trying to develop native cross-chain finance; so imo it'll come down to competition among front-ends.
If Shapeshift can integrate Thorchain directly, without using Thorswap's SDK (and paying them fees), it'll have a real shot at establishing itself as one of the main places to make cross-chain swaps. Thorswap already has a great UI, it'll come down to who has the lowest affiliate fees.
Mr Swing: we already integrate thorchain directly into the app. you have a thorswap experience already, alongside more chains you know and love in the space.
Mr Swing
0xFBL: Great then! If/when streaming swaps come to Shapeshift Thorswap will have some competition, which is great for the space. Let's see where the affiliate fees land, Thorwallet has already waived them for 50k+ swappers.
gonna spike into this and try to spec it as next steps.
adding to roadmap as next at least. 😉might welcome you to contribute on the spec.